A New Beginning

There are certain times in all of our lives when things can feel out of control. Tough times like losing loved ones, job loss, divorce, etc. can really bring a prolonged sense of sadness and depression. I’ve been going through such a time for the last few years myself, and it had really put a damper on my creativity. I’ve not been stitching many temari, nor really doing much other than dealing with “life”. For a while, it felt like it was never going to be different, and I would be stuck in this darkness forever. But I’ve been lucky to have friends and family remind me that there would be a light at the end of the tunnel, and that things WOULD get better. I’m grateful for their support through this wild ride, and I’m happy to say that I’m finally coming out of that funk! My needle is moving again, bright colors are coming back into my life, and I’m feeling a renewed sense of hope. I couldn’t be happier, nor feel more blessed. And I’m holding on to this newfound joy with both hands! To channel this new creative spirit, I am focusing more on my temari … Continue reading “A New Beginning”